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Rolling Papers Weed Tray


Wooden Rolling Tray Rolling Papers Weed Tray 100% new quality
Characteristic: Beautiful and easy to use
The design is fashionable and beautiful.
Name: Solid wood cigarette tray
Material: Bamboo and Wood
Usage: Smoking appliances

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Product Description

Storage Plate Accommodating Discs for Smoke Rolling Tobacco Grinder Smoking Pipe Accessories

√ High quality bamboo used to make this Tobacco Rolling Tray – Awesome gift!

√  Doubles for serving, and holding food, jewelry, incense, shots, and can be used as a nightstand tray.

√ The tray, made of bamboo, features a magnetic loader tool and cutouts for your accessories.

√ There are also cutouts for rolling paper, cones, and silicone jars or whatever else that might fit as your preference.

√ The compact size of the tray makes it easy to store or take on the go!

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Can I request a sample of this item?

Sometimes, in order to really see what you’re purchasing, you need a sample of the product you’re looking at. We can provide you with that sample! We do require a small payment for the processing and shipping of all sample requests. After receiving your sample, if you place an order for the same item number, at the minimum imprinted quantity, any product charges incurred by the sample request will be deducted from your next order with us (shipping, rush and pre-production sample fees excluded). Exceptions and exclusions may apply. If you require a single unit customized with your logo, please email us for details. Refunds on sample orders are not available, exclusions may apply.

Can I order less than the minimum quantity listed on the website?

Less Than Minimums, We try to offer you the lowest possible quantity.

If you absolutely need less than the minimum listed please call us, occasionally we can negotiate smaller orders.

Should you require this service,

Call the phone number located on our website or e-mail us now.

1, The product can be customized with your company logo, personalized message, or graphics of your choice.
Some limitations may apply depending on the product and/or imprint method chosen.

2, This item can be sold blank as well (no logo, no setup charge),

If you wish to customize this item with your logo or artwork, you must purchase at least above our MOQ.

Exclusions may apply, including made-to-order items and, of course, blank-only items.

3, Products are intended for business purchase/use and not for personal purchase.

Our goal is to provide promotional products on a business-to-business basis. Products purchased may be subject to varied shipping rates and/or fees.

